Network Security Working Group
On July 15, 2014, the LONI Management Council (LMC) authorized the Executive Director to organize a security working group composed of security practitioners from among our subscribers. The LMC was united in their belief that, in the not-too-distant future, if we don’t defend ourselves from cyber threats from a backbone perspective then our individual participants will simply be overwhelmed by the challenge of scale and complexity. The LMC asked the question: “now that we have built the network, what is the next big step for its use?” and the LMC responded with a security architecture which can be deployed on top of the network to protect all participants. The workgroup would advise the LMC and their respective employer in the areas of common best practices, policies, procedures, tools, and methods that can be shared to make our networking environment safer for our constituents. The workgroup is also charged with developing a security architecture that can expand to the size and complexity of LONI. The LMC expressed that a unified security architecture would only be successful if all of the participants got onboard and supported the solution.
Network Technical Advisory Group
On January 12, 2016, the LONI Management Council (LMC) authorized the Executive Director to organize a network advisory group composed of network practitioners from among its subscribers. The workgroup will be called upon to assist the LONI Network staff and Network Operations Center with recommendations on how to improve network services and the exchange of information for research, academic, and administration needs of our subscribers as well as assist with our continued network reinvestment plans.
Research Working Group
On August 27, 2024, the LONI Management Council (LMC) authorized the Executive Director to organize a research working group. The mission of the LONI Research Working Group is to foster collaborative and interdisciplinary research across member institutions, improve LONI research service, and strengthen the research cyberinfrastructure in Louisiana through partnership, knowledge exchange, and development of joint activities.