Tentative Agenda |
Wednesday, March 18th | |
11:00 AM | Registration / Lunch* / Sponsor Meet & Greet |
12:00 PM | Welcome & Opening Remarks |
12:15 PM | Open Floor Introductions |
12:30 PM | LONI Updates |
Lonnie Leger, Executive Director, LONI Lance Neal, Assistant Director, LONI Gary Mumphrey, Assistant Director, LONI Preston Aydell, Systems Engineer, LONI LONI staff will kick-off the summit with information pertaining to the working group missions, governance, and provide brief updates on the LONI projects:
1:00 PM | Break / Networking / Sponsor Visits |
1:15 PM | NTAG / NSWG Year in Review |
Ben Blundell, Chief Network Architect, Associate Director of Network Services, ULL Tracy Brown, Chief Technology Officer, NSULA Sumit Jain, Chief Information Security Officer, LSU Mohamad Qayoom, IT Network Security Consultant, LSUHSC-NO The NTAG and NSWG co-chairs recap the work from this past year and begin setting the stage for the up-coming year. |
1:30 PM | Panel Discussion: Operational Security Metrics |
Moderator: Mohamad Qayoom, IT Network Security Consultant, LSUHSC-NO | |
2:15 PM | Break / Networking / Sponsor Visits |
2:30 PM | WiFi Deployment Strategies |
3:00 PM | LONI’s Platform-as-a-Service |
Gary Mumphrey, Assistant Director, LONI
Gary will recap the transition from Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) to Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), walk through the new service offerings, and field any questions from the audience. |
3:30 PM | Break / Networking / Sponsor Visits |
3:45 PM | Working Group Discussions |
Discussion items:
4:45 PM | Day 1 Wrap-up |
Thursday, March 19th | |
8:30 AM | Breakfast* / Sponsor Meet & Greet |
9:00 AM | Facilitated Discussions |
Community Collective Resiliency – Lonnie Leger, Executive Director, LONI | |
Community Emergency Response Team – Lonnie Leger, Executive Director, LONI | |
LONI Security Incident Response Plan – Sumit Jain, Chief Information Security Officer, LSU | |
Community SOC – Lonnie Leger, Executive Director, LONI | |
10:00 AM | Break / Networking / Sponsor Visits |
10:15 AM | Facilitated Discussion: O365 – Tracy Brown, Chief Technology Officer, NSULA |
10:45 AM | Science DMZ Summary with DTN Design |
Dr. Raju Gottumukkala, Ph.D., Director of Research, Informatics Research Institute; Site Director, NSF Center for Visual and Decision Informatics; Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, ULL Ben Blundell, Chief Network Architect, Associate Director of Network Services, ULL Brief overview of a typical Science DMZ infrastructure and the case for Data Transfer Nodes (DTN) on our campuses. A Data Transfer Node is a resource that can be used to transfer large data files between research sites. A few data transfer examples will be examined. The session will be concluded by a short case study examining UL’s Visual Analytics Sandbox architecture. |
11:30 AM | Lunch* / Networking / Sponsor Visits |
12:00 PM | Cyber Ambassadors |
Mohamad Qayoom, IT Network Security Consultant, LSUHSC-NO
As the integration of CI in research continues, CI-Professionals find themselves tackling problems and consulting on projects that are increasingly complex and collaborative. In order to respond to these various requests, CI-Professionals need both the expertise to solve computational challenges and the professional skills to work effectively in teams with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and goals. This session provides professional skills training in communications, teamwork and leadership for CI-Professionals. |
1:00 PM | Break / Networking / Sponsor Visits |
1:15 PM | CAG20 for LCTCS/SOWELA |
Dr. Jo Schexneider, Chief Information, Resources and Technology Officer, SOWELA Josh Young, Supervisor – IT Network, SOWELA Matt Williams, Supervisor – IT Systems, SOWELA SOWELA Technical Community College has worked over the years to implement security measures. Just over a year and a half ago, the Louisiana Community and Technical College System implemented a Cyber Security task force to address growing concerns. The outcome of those meetings led to LCTCS adopting the Center for Internet Security (CIS), CAG 20 guidelines, rolling out the requirements quarterly. Join us to find the LCTCS/SOWELA solution. |
1:45 PM | Email Security |
Shawn Parr, System Administrator – Lead, NSULA Alex Doskey, Email Team Lead, LSUHSC-NO Shawn will share Northwestern’s experience with ProofPoint. Alex will review Microsoft Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection policies (safe links, safe attachments, anti-impersonation) and mail flow rules. |
2:15 PM | Break / Networking / Sponsor Visits |
2:30 PM | New Co-chair Elections – Lance Neal, Assistant Director, LONI |
2:35 PM | Working Group Discussions |
3:25 PM | Closing Remarks – Lonnie Leger, Executive Director, LONI |
3:30 PM | Adjourn |
*Lunch will be provided for both days. Please contact Lance Neal at lance@lsu.edu if you have any special dietary restrictions and/or food allergies.