LONI High Performance Computing is managed by LSU’s Information Technology Services (ITS). We promote scientific computing and technology across all disciplines, enabling education, research and discovery through the use of emerging, advanced technologies. LONI HPC provides the infrastructure and support necessary to facilitate heroic research efforts, utilizing cutting-edge technology to push the limits of scientific discovery.
About HPC
About Us
High Performance Computing (HPC) at LSU, or HPC@LSU, is a joint partnership between LSU’s Information Technology Services (ITS) and LSU’s Center for Computation & Technology (CCT). We promote scientific computing and technology across all disciplines, enabling education, research and discovery through the use of emerging, advanced technologies. We provide the infrastructure and support necessary to facilitate heroic research efforts, utilizing cutting-edge technology to push the limits of scientific discovery.
HPC@LSU provides system administration and
consultation support for the Louisiana Optical Network Infrastructure (LONI) supercomputers.
Serving as a central point to access all HPC resources and user expertise at LSU and LONI, HPC@LSU provides production HPC cycles and services to researchers on campus, the state, throughout the nation, and across the world.
NSF XSEDE Campus Champion
Several Louisiana Institutions have an XSEDE Campus Champion who is able to provide local users with information on NSF XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment). XSEDE “is the most advanced, powerful, and robust collection of integrated advanced digital resources and services in the world. It is a single virtual system that scientists can use to interactively share computing resources, data, and expertise.”