In order to use the LONI computational resources (see: LONI Resources), individuals must:
- Agree to the terms of the LONI Usage Policies.
- Be listed on an active LONI allocation.
- Hold a LONI user account.
By requesting a LONI account, individuals acknowledge that they have read and understood the LONI Usage Policies and agree to abide by them.
All user account holders are asked to acknowledge their use of LONI resources in any resulting research publications or reports by including the following statement:
Portions of this research were conducted with high performance computational resources provided by the Louisiana Optical Network Infrastructure (http://www.loni.org).
User accounts on LONI HPC Systems (see: LONI Resources) require a valid institutional email address, and a LONI affiliated sponsor. Only faculty members or permanent research staff (postdoctoral researchers not included) from LONI member institutions can sponsor accounts. Commercial email accounts are unacceptible for account purposes. Non-LONI collaborators must be sponsored by a LONI faculty member or permanent research staff member and use their institutional email address. LONI user accounts may be requested at the LONI website.
Upon making a request, a form will be emailed to the listed address with a link to the full account creation page, where the account sponsor’s name should be entered in the “HPC contact/collaborator” field (faculty members and permanent research staff members should enter their own names). Once the form is submitted, and the information verified, the account will be created.
Allocation Info
Note: LSU HPC and LONI systems are two distinct computational resources administered by HPC@LSU. You cannot charge LONI allocations for jobs run on LSU HPC systems and vice versa.
An allocation is a block of computer time measured in core-hours (number of processing cores requested times the amount of wall-clock time used in hours). Using HPC@LSU resources is free to all users. However, users need to have an allocation to charge simulation time.
LONI users must hold, or be listed on, an active allocation to use any resource. See the LONI Allocations policy page for more details.
Allocation Requests
Only full time faculty members or research staff members from LONI member institutions can act as Principle Investigators (PI) and request LONI allocations.
Everyone else will need to join an existing allocation of a PI, usually your advisor/supervision or course instructor (if your course requires a LONI account).
For detailed instructions about joining an already existing allocation or requesting a new allocation, please see the FAQ page.