Contact Us
Our mission is to provide superlative services to all HPC users within the resources available. There are several ways to contact us to get help with HPC problems. They are listed here in order of preference:
Email Help Ticket Telephone Help Desk +1 (225) 578-0900 Unless stated otherwise, service is available from 8:30am to 5:00pm (US Central Time), Monday through Friday, with the exception of Louisiana State University holidays.
Email Ticket
The preferred method for requesting help is via email to This method is most appropriate for complex problems which require detailed descriptions, samples of computer output, and/or multiple exchanges with the consultants.
Telephone Help Desk
Problems may be called in by phone to the HPC Help Desk at +1 (225) 578-0900. If no one answers, please try back or use the email method. The consultants may be busy helping others. The Help Desk also serves as the first stop if appointments for advanced consulting services are required.
Schedule an In-person Consultation
All HPC@LSU staff are located on the third floor in the Frey Computing located at the corner of Stadium Dr. and Tower Dr. You may set up an appointment with one of the consultants via email or phone.